Different tools complement our participatory facilitation approach, an ongoing work in progress, in each of our interventions.
We employ different methods in all our interventions, be it in tailor-made programs, 1-on-1 coaching, meeting facilitation, signature programs or team events. One of our core values is “versatility”; so mynditude® researchers never stop creating and searching for new resources and tools.
Insights Discovery®: color energies, personality profiling
MBTI®: cognitive functions, personality profiling
ORSC®: organization and relationship systems coaching
Strengthfinder 2.0®: discovering strengths
Scrum®: an agile method of getting things done
Blue Ocean Strategy®: strategic thinking methodology
Lego® Serious Play®: LEGO® for the corporate world
EQi-2.0®: emotional intelligence quotient
MegaDanz®: performance dancing
Leadership Circle®: leadership effectiveness assessment
Acting: it simply is… acting
Co-Active®: a co-creation method in coaching
Clown Me In®: purposeful laughter and self-reflection
for higher awareness and trust